Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Flex, Issh

Two words that seem to have a wide range of senses. I don't hear it much, but it might be more in Hip Hop lingo? Ish seems to maybe be like "stuff" or "shit" (where "shit" is like "stuff"). I have to remind myself to record when I see or hear it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Master Diep

It's a smirky story which I will not relate here, but I was given a huge boob cake for my graduation party. I now officially have a Master's in English and I was expecting perhaps the IPA or a cardboard hat or something like that. But I got a pink set of boobs (chocolate inside) with a lacy demi bra and big pink nipples. "Congratulations" on top, "Diep" below.

What was I being congratulated on, exactly? What would you guess if you just walked in as I was carefully cutting out the left areola? That I was a (future) practicing agent, or a past patient? That the boob cake was on sale?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Star Trek (2009)

I thought it'd be too hip and new, but since I'm so hip and swivel and new, I liked it. Much faster pacing than older ones, which I thought I might not like, but it worked. I liked Spock(s) best, of course. [WARNING: Possible mini-spoilers ahead]

I am not such a purist that I didn't like that young Spock was gettin' some from the hottest female, young Uhura, who is a "xen0linguist" (studies off-world languages...didn't catch it precisely) ooooh yaaaaaawwwwwwww. James Kirk chased her a bit but then we see her suck face with Spock in the elevator.

I think the writers and director had a good sense of humor without clobbering us too much with the young versions of all the old players: "Bones", Scotty, Chekov, Sulu (who fences and likes White Castle burgers - j/k), etc. And most boss is that Simon Pegg plays Scotty! Man, mah zombie heart just fused with mah Roddenberry one.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

SO in pre-attributive position

I have looked at the data for so long that it sounds perfectly fine to me, even if I wouldn't say it myself--SO in the pre-attributive adjective position:

"He is a so cute kid" or "That is a so cool jumper!" (I made those up)

It has been suggested that perhaps this would only be typed out and not expressed orally. I have to keep an ear out for it. I suspect it's already being said in a number of communities, but it will spread and I'll eventually get a few clear examples of it in person.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I still got BS game

I thought I had used up all my "sweet" BS lines back in high school when taking the AP exams and such, but I was wrong. I pulled some of that stuff out for my metaphor paper. I still got game, yo. Sad thing is now in my old(er) age, I kind of believe it.

Last night I presented my "SO" paper at the LGSA Squibfest and Graduation Celebration. That was nice to do. We went out to Zeitgeist afterwards and I intimidated a big bouncer named Ryan. Well, I may have the agent and patient reversed.

Got my squibs bound. It makes you feel really smart. Highly recommended.

I heard this student talking about something from high school...what was it? Something about clothing lines? And he said, "...and if you were the wealth, then you'd have [something]." I didn't catch it all, but it was consistent with things I had found in my research. "That cafe is so the cool beans" and "He is the so sexy oozing man" and "That is so the kawaii" (or something like that) and "he is the so cute"

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Duo Diep

Right now I am in a world where I don't remember turning off the kettle but I see evidence that I:

1. certainly turned it on (it is hot)
2. certainly turned it off (the burner is off)

No one else is here, in my room.

I blame this on my Technotronic channel on Pandora.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

JenniCAM vs. SuicideGirls

The oft-quoted Jennifer Ringley of JenniCAM fame said: "I keep JenniCam alive not because I want or need to be watched, but because I simply don't mind being watched."

That bout sums up my sense of one characteristic of the internet generation, the youth of today, that separates them from my generation. Jenni *is* of my generation but I didn't get a sense that she was common. However, now, we have reality TV (which Jenni has been credited for pioneering) and 'kids' (as in 'those darned kids') who seem to have no problem whatsoever sharing intimate pictures and private information about themselves on the internet, even--or because?--they know at least some of the audience IRL (in real life).

We have the SuicideGirls, too, now. 'Alternative' girls with heavy body mods who get paid $500 a set and a free lifetime membership to publish naked pictures of themselves for 'consumption' of the SuicideGirls community. They have a self-written profile and blogs in addition to the pictures, and participate in official SG events, or unofficial events with people they met through SG. Are they cyborgs? A combination of machine and bio-material? They don't have webcams, but they 'show' more--there are plenty of clear shots of genitilia and bewbs. But they 'show' less. We don't see any of them having sex (except occasionally with themselves with maybe a toy, but not one that gets inserted), like we could with Jenni. With Jenni, it was live-streamed and the SGs, a series of photos that tell a story. Their nakedness is guaranteed, more posed, and much more consciously artistic.

They are not like typical porn sites where the models are much more airbrushed and 'perfect,' have only a quick profile (which seemed canned enough that you wonder if they had any hand in writing them), and no journals (when they do, again, you wonder who holds the pen). Instead, SGs are a community based around the girls, where the girls and all of the members have voices, can interact, and can potentially meet up IRL.

Friday, April 24, 2009

MS made me do it

I will be studying linguistics over the summer for 6 weeks with the Linguistics Society of America, and this is where I will try to process it. M. S. says I should do this and he can read it and I can learn and he can learn. This year, it's at UC Berkeley, which is very convenient. I'm scared. A little intimidated, but looking forward to thinking and studying intensely. I am very lucky to have this chance.